The magical object Cauldron Of Wealth has been roaming free on the Radix Network.
On this site you can check it's current wearabouts as well as claim the cauldron for yourself.....
Only those who can show proof of 1M $BALLS can make the claim.
Proof can be shown if you have the $BALLS in your posession. If you do not have the $BALLS to generate the proof, the $BALLS can be purchased,
or proof of 1M $BALLS can be leased for a small fee.
Selected Wallet :
Your $BALLS holdings :
Vault Location :
Owning Wallet :
This game is to showcase the RECALL and PROOF functions that are part of the radix network. A resource with the recall trait activated can be retreived. For the C.O.W. the retreival conditions are set to proof of 1M $BALLS, meaning everyone with 1M $BALLS can recall the NFT from wherever on the network.
If you do not have the $BALLS to generate the proof these can be bought, the other option is to lease the Proof of $BALLS.. for a small fee.
During the remainder of this month the whereabouts of the C.O.W. will be traced, a ranking will be made and winners will be rewareded.